Ranelagh School

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Student Leadership Team

Our Sixth Form students are not just the older students here at Ranelagh – a real advantage of attending a Sixth Form within a school is the genuine and embedded opportunity to hold leadership and service roles. This is not only an advantage for university applications, but also strengthens students’ own interpersonal and leadership skills whilst they make a meaningful contribution to the learning of others.

We rely on Sixth Form students to undertake a whole range of service and leadership opportunities; the most visible of these are our School Captains and prefect team, but we facilitate service and leadership opportunities for all. Many of these are chances to nurture the learning of others and live out our school vision and values, and typically include:
• Paired reading with younger students
• RE Ambassadors
• Charities Committee
• Maths Leaders
• Positive Mental Health Peer Support
• Leading a club or society (e.g. Drama Club; Art Club; Gardening Club; Computing and Coding)