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Ranelagh Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

The PTA is formed of a group of parents and teachers who voluntarily give up their time to arrange events and raise much-needed events for the school. We organise various events throughout the year for Ranelagh families to enjoy and to fundraise for the school.

The PTA is a registered charity. You can find out more about the Ranelagh PTA on the Charities Commission Website (registered charity number 1125897).

Forthcoming PTA events

Thursday 26th September, 6:30pm

Annual General Meeting (AGM)                              
TBC Christmas fair
TBC Founder's Day summer fair 2025
Second-hand uniform and study guide sales Ongoing - see below

At the start of every academic year, we agree our funding priorities with the Headteacher and Deputy Head. Every penny that we raise goes back into school projects that benefit every Ranelagh pupil in some way.

This year (2023/24) we have already agreed to pay for:

  • Youthline Counselling for the year (again!)
  • Some new Computer Science / iMedia software
  • New geography fieldwork equipment
  • 30 new history text books
  • 30 new economics text books
  • Woodwind taster sessions

Thank you to everyone who supports our fundraising efforts to allow us to fund these things!

The 2023/24 PTA Committee

PTA Officers:
President Tim Griffith (Headteacher)
Chair Elizabeth (Liz) Flanagan
Vice Chair Mel Woods
Treasurer Brett Greaves
Secretary Richard Williams
Other (general) committee members: Emma Barnard
Gareth Barnard
Karen Versluys
Sandra Allaway
Sarah Cox
Sarah Davis

We have a few committee members leaving at the end of this year. We need: 

  • A new chair 
  • A new treasurer (finance lead) 
  • A new second-hand uniform co-ordinator 
  • A communications lead / team 
  • New volunteers to join our events team 

If you are interested in getting involved with the PTA, in any capacity, or would just like to come and observe the AGM, please email us for more information. 

Our social media presence

If you are ever interested in joining the PTA committee, or would be willing to help us with any of our events, please get in touch.

Please also like and follow Ranelagh PTA on Facebook and/or Instagram

PTA documents

IMPORTANT: Please note that PTA volunteers only go into school and ‘pick’ second-hand uniform orders during term time – PTA volunteers also need a break so please do not place order for any second-hand uniform in the school summer holidays.