Ranelagh School

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Parent and Carer Consultation Evenings

At Ranelagh School each year group has an online parent-carer consultation evening during the course of the academic year.  The purpose of the evening is to allow you to gain an understanding of your child's latest progress and attainment and to consider next steps for development.


Children are encouraged to join their parents/carers for the parent-carer consultation evening.  


The school uses the software provided by SchoolCloud for both booking appointments and to run the online evenings.  This easy to use system allows you to select the teachers you would like to see and you will receive an email confirming your appointments. It is also possible for teachers to book appointments with specific students in advance of the window opening.  


To book appointments, and for the online parent-carer consultation evening itself, please visit:



Please note you will not be able to log in to the booking system until the window has opened.