Ranelagh School

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Curriculum Outline

The curriculum 11-16 aims to deliver the subjects of the National Curriculum, the cross-curricular elements, dimensions and themes, and Religious Education in line with the appropriate Education Acts.

The curriculum 14-19 aims to provide an increasingly differentiated range of opportunities for students of all abilities and aptitudes.

Additional information is available by request.  Please email enquiries@ranelagh.bonitas.org.uk


Year 7

All students study English (7), Mathematics (7), Science (6), Geography (3), History (3), Religious Education (3), Art (2), Music (2), Drama (2), Physical Education (5), French or Spanish (5) and Food, Product Design and Computing which are taught in a carousel (4). All students also have one lesson of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). All lessons are taught in mixed ability groups, apart from Mathematics where some setting is introduced during the Autumn Term.

Year 8

The organisation of the curriculum is almost the same as it is for Year 7. The majority of lessons are taught in mixed ability groups. Setting is continued in Mathematics.

Students study English (7), Mathematics (7), Science (6), Food, Product Design and Computing, as part of a carousel (4), Geography (3), History (3), Religious Education (3), French or Spanish (4), Physical Education (4), Art (2), Music (3) and Drama (2).  Students also have one lesson of PSHE.  All students continue the modern foreign language selected in Year 7 and setting continues in Mathematics.

Year 9

The organisation of the curriculum remains broadly the same as in year 8.

Students study English (7), Mathematics (7), Science (6), Product Design and Food (3), Computing (2), Geography (3), History (3), Religious Education (3), French or Spanish (4), Physical Education (4), Art (3), Music (2) and Drama (2).  Students also have one lesson of PSHE.  All students continue the modern foreign language selected in Year 7 and setting continues in Mathematics.


Year 10 and Year 11

This stage of the National Curriculum leads to examinations in GCSE qualifications. There is a common core curriculum for all students with an additional element of choice in option groups. Students make their choice of options in Year 9 following discussion and consultation. The organisation of the curriculum is as follows:

All students study a core curriculum. This consists of English Language and Literature (7), Mathematics (7), Double Science (9), and RE (3), which lead to GCSE qualifications; plus PSHE (1) and Physical Education (3), which are non-examination courses. Setting continues in Mathematics.

In addition to the core, students choose 4 optional subjects. All optional subjects are allocated 5 hours on the timetable in Year 10 and Year 11.

Students may choose any combination of subjects but a broad and balanced curriculum is strongly advised.

Courses are as follows:

GCSE Courses

English Language Sport
English Literature Drama
Mathematics Economics
Double or Triple Science Geography
Art History
Food Music
French Computer Science
Spanish Product Design
iMedia Health and Social Care

Citizenship entitlement at Key Stage 4 is delivered partly via PSHE lessons and partly across the curriculum.


Advanced Level Courses

The following subjects are offered to A Level in Year 12, provided there are sufficient numbers to make teaching groups viable, and continue in Year 13 . The teaching allocation is 8 periods over two weeks in Year 12 and 9 periods over 2 weeks in Year 13.

All A-level students take Religious Education (1), PSHE (1) and Physical Education (4).

A-Level Courses

Art and Design Biology
Business Chemistry
Computer Science Design and Technology: Product Design
Drama and Theatre Economics
English Language English Literature
French Geography
Health and Social Care History
Further Mathematics Mathematics
Philosophy, Theology and Ethics Music
Physics Physical Education
Politics  Psychology
Sociology Spanish