Ranelagh School

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Friends of Ranelagh

Who are the Friends

The Friends of Ranelagh is a charitable association set up to provide a proportion of the money needed for the major capital programme of the school, as well as to fund other school improvements and resources.  Anyone who makes regular contributions to the charity is considered part of the Friends of Ranelagh. The charity is administered by a group of volunteer Trustees.

What we do

Over the last ten years Ranelagh School has been transformed by the addition of new buildings and refurbishment of the old ones, as well as the provision of resources such as IT equipment.  More details of the projects supported by the Friends can be found here.  The Friends of Ranelagh have been instrumental in this continuous improvement resulting in greatly improved facilities for pupils.

This support has come from parents and other donors who join the Friends and make financial contributions for each of their children who attends the school.

What we don’t do

Whilst we can often be found on a stall at school events, we do not hold fundraising events – we leave that to the PTA.  We simply ask that you consider a regular donation to the Friends please.

How can I make a donation to become a Friend?


Charities Commission

The Friends of Ranelagh is a registered charity.

You can find out more about the Friends of Ranelagh on the Charities Commission Website https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/charity-commission  (registered charity number 1060543).

Friends of Ranelagh email:  fordonations@ranelagh.bonitas.org.uk