Ranelagh School

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Absence and Medical Issues

Everyone can be unwell, that cannot be helped.  It is important for students to understand that making up the missed work as soon as possible is essential to prevent them falling behind, and take responsibility for that. To do this they can:

  • Ask their friends if they can photocopy their work for them
  • Speak to their teachers to go through any missed work
  • Read and make notes on the relevant chapter in their textbooks
  • Look on Teams for resources that may have been shared by teachers

Reporting Absence

If you wish to report a student absence this can be done by email: attendance@ranelagh.bonitas.org.uk or by leaving a voicemail.

Parents are requested to notify the school before 9.00am each day their child is absent. Where a student does not register for a morning session and there is no explanation for that absence, the Attendance Officer will contact the parents to inform them of this. The school day begins at 8.50am and morning registration closes at 9.30am. The end of the school day is 3.35pm every day.

Medical and dental appointments should not be made during the school day unless absolutely necessary, in which case an email or a signed letter from the parent is required. In addition, students must sign in and out at reception.

To Request a Leave of absence

We do not expect any parents to request permission for holidays for their children during the school term unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any requests should be submitted to the school at least 15 school days before the holiday dates, using the form below. The final decision rests with the school. 

leave of absence request form.pdf


If your child is feeling unwell during school hours, they should come to the medical room and the office staff will contact home if they are too unwell to complete the school day.  Students are not to contact home before attending the medical room.

If your child requires medication while at school, the forms below will need to be completed and signed for each child. Please provide paracetamol, Ibuprofen, allergy tablets and any other medicine that is required.



OTC Medicine Consent Form

Prescribed Medicine Consent Form