Ranelagh School

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Who Are The Governors?

School governors are unpaid volunteers who care about providing support and challenge to a school so that it can provide the best possible education for its students.

Governors bring with them a range of experiences, knowledge and skills that help the Governing Body do its work.

At Ranelagh we have four types of governor – parent, foundation, staff and co-opted. Most governors normally serve a four-year term of office but may choose to stand for another term of office, either in the same role or as a different type of governor. The four types of governor do the same work, but provide a different perspective. The Headteacher is also an ex-officio governor.

Foundation Governors

As a Church of England academy, ten members of our Governing Body are foundation governors. These include clergy and lay people who represent the Deaneries of both Bracknell and Sonning, as well as others appointed by the Diocese. They have a particular responsibility to see that the distinctive Christian character of the school is “preserved and developed” by ensuring that the school’s vision, policies, procedures and practice are founded in Christian values.

Parent Governors

Ranelagh has two parent governors, elected by parents, to provide a parental perspective on the Governing Body, rather than to gather individual views and concerns or to solve parental problems. The insight that governors who are parents can provide is invaluable in shaping the strategy of the Governing Body as it may be helpful in understanding the impact of decisions on parents and students. (Some other types of governor may also be parents.)

Staff Governors

Ranelagh has two staff governors, elected by the staff, who bring professional knowledge and personal experience of the school. This can help the Governing Body to understand the impact of policies and the Governing Body’s decisions on staff workload, morale and well-being as well as any benefits for students.

Co-opted Governors

The Governing Body may also co-opt up to two other governors in order to provide it with additional specific knowledge and experience, or to fill gaps in the overall skills of the Governing Body. Co-opted governors normally serve a two-year term of office.