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Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Mr T Griffith | Headteacher and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mr M Williams | Deputy Headteacher and Economics & Business Studies, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Miss E Combes | Assistant Headteacher, Music, & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead-6th form, |
Mr S Johnson | Assistant Headteacher, History, Sociology & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs H Starr | Assistant Headteacher and PAL, Spanish, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead |
Mrs J McBain | Designated Safeguarding Lead and Associate Member of the Senior Leadership Team |
Teaching Staff
Mr G Ames | Economics & Business Studies (CL) |
Mrs A Arnold | Art & Design (Co CL) |
Mr D Arnold | Mathematics |
Ms J Bailey | Art and Head of Year 7 |
Mrs R Barnett | Mathematics |
Mrs R Benbow | English, Second i/c |
Mr W Bif | RE |
Miss H Bond | PE, Computing, Lead for PAL and Careers |
Mr R Cairns | Mathematics and Outdoor Education Lead |
Mr S Campbell | PE |
Ms G Cavagan | Geography (CL) |
Miss A Chesswas | Health and Social Care (CL), PE |
Mr L Coventry | Music (Curriculum Leader) Professional Tutor |
Mrs S Coventry | History and Head of Year 10 and DDSL |
Mr J Crawley | Mathematics |
Mrs S Crisford | Food Preparation and Nutrition (CL) |
Miss R Cumiskey | Music, English and Literacy Lead |
Mr G Cunningham | Science, Physics |
Mrs L Cunningham | Mathematics |
Mrs S Curtis | Co SENDCo |
Miss S Deakin | History, RE |
Mr E de Grande | Geography (CL) |
Mrs C Dickinson | Science (Biology), Professional Tutor |
Mrs Y Dockney | Science, Biology (SL) |
Mr G Dowling | Mathematics |
Mrs J Duggin | Mathematics (CL) |
Ms A Edmunds | Art & Design (Co CL) |
Mr R Evans | Psychology (SL) |
Mrs N Farrance | Design & Technology (SL) |
Mr C Gallo | English |
Mrs V Gardner | History (CL) |
Ms N George | Science, Chemistry (SL) |
Miss C L Glendenning | Mathematics (KS4 lead) |
Miss C Greeves | English, Head of Year 8 |
Mrs S Harris | English, Second i/c |
Mr M Ho | History, Govt and Politics, AHOY |
Ms A Hulse | Drama (CL) Oracy Lead, Professional Tutor |
Ms N Iqbal | Science, Chemistry |
Mr L Kaufman | Science, Biology |
Mr D Kilcoyne | PE and Second i/c PE |
Mr G Lane | PE, NCFE Lead |
Mrs C Lowe | Economics & Business Studies |
Mrs N Liddell | Computer Science (CL) |
Mrs L Maple | Art |
Mr J McAllen | Geography |
Mrs C Monaghan | Modern Foreign Languages, Thinking and Learning Skills Lead, Head of Year 9, DDSL |
Mr J Moodley | Science (Chemistry) |
Miss E Muirden | RE (CL) |
Mrs D Murphy | English |
Mrs S Naughton | Science (Biology) |
Ms K Naylor | Mathematics |
Mrs J Nicholls | PE (CL) |
Mrs E Noonan | English (CL) |
Mrs J Norman | Co SENDCo |
Mr A Palm | Science (Physics) |
Miss S Scanu | Modern Foreign Languages (CL) Professional Tutor |
Mr J Smith | Mathematics |
Mrs S Smith | Mathematics (KS3 Lead) |
Miss J Spooner | PE & Health and Social Care |
Miss B Stewart | Science (Chemistry) |
Miss M Sweeney | RE, Sociology (SL) and Head of 6th Form |
Mrs B Thompson | Food Technology |
Miss M Tingle | Drama and Head of Year 11 and DDSL |
Miss K Turner | English |
Mr I Watkins | Computer Science, Lead for EPQ |
Mrs R White | Geography |
Mr N Wiggett | Science (CL) |
Ms J Wileman | History |
Mrs S Willis | Interventions teacher |
Miss J Wood | Modern Foreign Languages |
Mr J Worrall | Mathematics |
Mrs K Wride | Geography |
Mrs S Youd |
Product Design |
Support Staff
Mr A Aust | Reprographics Manager |
Mrs E Bester | Inclusion and SEMH Lead |
Mrs L J Bottom | Admissions Officer |
Mrs S Breidenstein | Lead Cover Supervisor |
Mrs G Brockman | Administrative Officer (Student Support) |
Mrs K Carpenter | Reception |
Ms C Cirio | Learning Support Assistant |
Ms T Cole | Science Technician (Chemistry) |
Mr I Cox | Data Administrator |
Mr P Crowhurst | Science Technician (Physics) |
Mrs D Deykin | Clerk to the Governors |
Mrs M Donnelly | Admissions Officer |
Mrs L Drewitt | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs Y Edgecock | Wellbeing & Pastoral Support Assistant |
Mrs J Edwards | Examinations Officer |
Mrs M Elcock | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs S Emery | Learning Mentor |
Mrs A Fatima | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs M Fisher | Attendance Officer |
Mrs E Gingell | Office Supervisor |
Mrs C Greeves | Assistant Head of Sixth Form |
Mrs K Gurunathan | Cover Supervisor |
Mrs J Hargreaves | Lettings Manager |
Mrs L Hutson | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs D Jeffers | Headteacher’s PA |
Mr L Jeffers | Design Technology Technician |
Mrs N Jones | SEND Administrative Assistant |
Mr A Laws | Chaplaincy Team Leader |
Mr B Leadbitter | Performing Arts Technician |
Mrs L Maple | Art Technician |
Mrs C Measures | Midday Supervisor |
Mrs R Moss | Clerk to the Governors |
Mrs H Nestle-Fox | Exams manager |
Ms J Newman | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs E Nicklen | Learning Support Assistant |
Mr B N’Guessan | Science Technician (Biology) |
Miss L Oblein | Learning Resource Centre Manager and Work Experience Coordinator |
Mrs G Perrier | Administrative Assistant (Finance) |
Miss K Rani | Learning Support Assistant |
Mr C M Russell | Site Controller |
Mrs C Thomas | Reception |
Mr M Thomas | SIMS and Data Manager |
Mrs C Tucker | Midday Supervisor |
Mrs V Turrell | Curriculum Assistant (Mathematics) |
Mrs J Tyler | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs M Van De Gender | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs G Webb | Higher Level Teaching Assistant and LSA Coordinator |
Mr L Witts | Site Controller |
Mr A Wood | Learning Support Assistant |
Mrs H Wraight | Food Technology Technician |
Mrs L Worth | Wellbeing & Pastoral Support Assistant |
Bonitas Staff
Mr R Moreton | CEO |
Mrs S Davies | Head of Finance |
Mrs A Thornton | Finance |
Misss C Chow | Finance |
Mrs E Kaczorowska | HR |
Mrs V Watts | HR |
Mr R Bullock | Head of ICT and Estates |
Mr A Woods | Network Support Assistant |
Mr E Ganzagan | Network Support Assistant |
Mr G Plumley | Estates & Facilities manager |