Ranelagh School

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Ofsted and SIAMS

Latest Ofsted Summary of key findings for parents, carers and students

This is an outstanding school

  • The school provides a well-rounded and excellent education for all pupils. Its vision, ‘though we are many, we are one body’, underpins the school’s inclusive ethos. Pupils and staff typically spoke of a ‘community feel’ to the school, where pupils from different backgrounds and abilities are made to feel welcome here.
  • Staff are ambitious for all pupils and have created a culture of excellence. Pupils take pride in attending this school and rise to staff expectations. They are highly motivated and committed to their learning. Pupils achieve exceptionally well, including in national assessments.
  • Pupils’ behaviour is exemplary. Through the ‘Ranelagh Student Learner Profile,’ staff support pupils to develop character traits, such as creativity, independence and resilience. This helps to prepare pupils for success in their learning and life beyond school.
  • The school cares for pupils and keeps them safe. Pupils have access to various levels of support if they have any concerns. These include pastoral staff, counsellors and use of ‘The Space’ if pupils need some time out or to talk through their worries.
  • Pupils benefit from the extensive offer of extra-curricular clubs, educational trips and activities. Staff tailor this offer to pupils’ needs and interests. For example, pupils can take part in sports teams which play in less competitive fixtures and join one of the three choirs. Pupils have opportunities to develop skills, such as leadership, initiative and teamwork. For instance, house captains organise various competitions across the school and many pupils take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
Overall effectiveness Previous inspection: Outstanding
This inspection: Outstanding
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Sixth form provision Outstanding